#89: Patton (1970)

Starring: George C. Scott, Karl Malden
Director: Franklin J. Schaffner

Emily says:
I had no expectations coming into watching this film, and for that reason I don't think that I was terribly disappointed by it.  My knowledge of World War II history leaves something to be desired, and so sometimes I was confused as to what was going on in the film.  That being said, there are some beautiful scenes in the film.  I wish more attention had been paid to a more comprehensive plot for a less-educated viewer (unfortunately a category I fit into).

Paul says:
Honestly? I was somewhat disappointed by this film. Films that strive to commit to film specific historical events, even if well-executed, somehow lack something. (don't get me wrong, this is preferable to over-dramatizing a "based on a true story" type of film - see Pearl Harbor) This film is well-acted, well-shot, has some absolutely beautiful battle scenes, and really gives a feel for the characters involved. By the end of the film I think Patton is a brilliant sonuvabitch and kinda like him. That being said, any time that I think of George C. Scott as a military figure, the first image that comes to my mind is from Dr. Strangelove. Go figure.


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