Emily says:
This movie has another funny "Dad story." When I was in elementary school, my dad took me and Gracie to see this movie. I'm not sure why we wanted to see it, and I'm not sure why he took us, but about 20 minutes into the movie my dad was taking a nap and my sister and I were complaining. Shortly thereafter we left. Upon watching it again (and most of it for the first time), I marveled at how obtuse it is. I mean this in the nicest way towards Mr. Walt Disney. Often I think of Disney as this man who wanted to make a ton of money by having kids' marketing empire, but Fantasia is just the opposite. It's artistic and not commercial. In fact, by pretty much all counts, Fantasia was a commercial failure pretty much until Fantasia 2000 came out. Not a movie for kids, but I really enjoyed the music, the animation, and of course Mickey as the Sorcerer's apprentice is always wonderful!
Paul says:
In many circles it is believed that Mr. Disney was a cocaine addict and that this movie was made for his enjoyment while under the influence. Many people people used this argument to justify seeing it stoned. Not advocating, just reporting.